Push and Pull Training Session
Nathan and I did our push and pull training session tonight at Golds Gym. We were mixing a combination of Power and Strength.
Pull: One of the exercises we did tonight were Chin Ups using close grip. Nathan is demonstrating a power chin up: he pulls himself high enough to be able to let go of the bar as he drives up and catch it again on the way down. I am demonstrating the chin up as a strength exercise. I am using my own body weight as it is heavy enough for me, however it is often performed with a weight tied around the waist by a weight belt.
Push: Performing a push up exercise, Nathan is using the power range to explode off the ground lifting all arms and legs off the ground and landing again with good form. I am performing the push up in the strength phase. I have added a weight on my back to be able to achieve the amount of weight needed for me to be in this particular phase.
I hope you have enjoyed these demonstrations. Please remember that when you are performing any exercise, ensure you are doing so with correct posture and alignment.