Friday, 28 October 2011

Push and Pull Training Session

Push and Pull Training Session

Nathan and I did our push and pull training session tonight at Golds Gym. We were mixing a combination of Power and Strength.

Pull: One of the exercises we did tonight were Chin Ups using close grip. Nathan is demonstrating a power chin up: he pulls himself high enough to be able to let go of the bar as he drives up and catch it again on the way down. I am demonstrating the chin up as a strength exercise. I am using my own body weight as it is heavy enough for me, however it is often performed with a weight tied around the waist by a weight belt.

Push: Performing a push up exercise, Nathan is using the power range to explode off the ground lifting all arms and legs off the ground and landing again with good form. I am performing the push up in the strength phase. I have added a weight on my back to be able to achieve the amount of weight needed for me to be in this particular phase.

I hope you have enjoyed these demonstrations. Please remember that when you are performing any exercise, ensure you are doing so with correct posture and alignment.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Boxing video

Hi All!

This is my first blog with Tokyo Fitness! I will try to keep you all up dated in the fitness world and my own training session.

This video is on my training with Shirakawa-san! When it comes to boxing or kickboxing I usually train with him once a week, with Nathan in the park once a week and also participating in Nathans Boxing class on Saturday morning in Arisugawa park, Hiro-o.

If there is anything that you would like to ask me or a topic you would like me to blog about, email me and I will get it to you as soon as possible!


Sunday, 2 October 2011

UN Farmers Market Tokyo

I took a trip to the UN Famers Market in Omotesando today. We had been wanting to go for sometime but this was one of the few free Sundays Miki and I have had together to go out- it was worth it!

There was plenty of small stands with good wholesome food and some funny characters! We bought a lot of items; including organic fruits & vegies- there were also stores selling breads, jams and hot food. 

The food was all reasonably priced and most of the produce is grown in "safe places" (the farm locations are written on all the stands and a lot of the vendors speak a little english).  Lets face it, most groceries in Tokyo are expensive, but if I am going to pay top-dollar i want to receive good quality (non-chemical) food and also like to support small farmers- especially in these times.

If you have some spare time on the weekend, i highly recommend a trip to UN Farmers Market. While you are there, you can also walk down the road to Natural House, which has been refurbished and also is a good source for small farm and organic food.

p.s. this photo was supposed to be me carrying lots of groceries...... I think Miki needs to improve on her photography skills before the babys born:-)!!

Yours in good health,
